Jhund Trailer: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan Starrer Is All About His Zest To Find Diamonds In a Coal Mine

Legendary Amitabh Bachchan collaborates with Nagraj Popatrao Manujle to make a film which revolves around rehabilitating slum kids by keeping them off drugs and crime. A retired sports teacher, Mr. Bachchan, who founded an NGO called Slum Soccer is on a mission to put together a slum-kids sports team.

Big B portrays Vijay Barse, a retired sports teacher who also founded an NGO called Slum Soccer. He has a concetrated purpose to help the slum teens and kids explore their hidden potential, which is beyond drugs and crime. He truly believes that if some faith shown in these slum kids, they are sure to give a tough fight in the national football tournament. And that's how Barse makes his life's mission to put together a team of untrained yet skillful players.
The film is inspired by Vijay Barse who founded Slum Soccer in real life. Jhund marks Sairat director Nagraj Popatrao Manjule's directoral debut in Bollywood with the megastar. Sairat actors Akash Thosar and Rinku Rajguru play vital roles in the movie.

Commendable direction by Manjule, the Don of Bollywood gives yet another powerful performance that will encapsulate audience in a journey that's high on emotions and action. Watch the trailer of Jhund here and let us know if you're excited to watch it or going to skip this one?