Day in the life ft Orry `The Liver`
Day in the life ft Orry `The Liver`
Orry recently dropped pictures from his trip to Paris and its safe to say that he has served up a storm
Day in the life ft Orry `The Liver`
Orry is giving `I`m here for the vibes` as he sits by the window
Day in the life ft Orry `The Liver`
Were we ready for this shirtless picture? no. But are happy to see Orry living his best, fit life? Yes!
Day in the life ft Orry `The Liver`
Orry nails the Mona Lisa expression in this priceless picture
Day in the life ft Orry `The Liver`
You can`t leave the Louvre without hitting this pose. No one is exempt from this ritual, not even Orry!
Day in the life ft Orry `The Liver`
Orry also gave us a fiery look from the LV fashion rodeo
Day in the life ft Orry `The Liver`
The collection from this particular show was inspired by the West aka the Wild West.
Day in the life ft Orry `The Liver`
Safe to say, Orry fit the bill and looked fantastic for the unveiling of Pharell William`s third collection!
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